Lian-Li TR-3 thermometer and fan controller

25 Feb 2006

I'm a bit unsure about wiring this thing up properly and could use some help from anyone that has one.

How do you connect it up so that both the case HDD LED (a Lian-Li V1000+) and the TR-3 HDD indicator function? I read a review of the TR-3 which said there was a pass-thru cable, but I can't find any way of hooking both the TR-3 and case HDD cables up.

Also, should I use only the TR-3 to control the case fans, or could the fans be connected to both the m/board (Asus A8R32-MVP Deluxe) and the TR-3 together? (Same question for CPU fan too) :o

Yewen said:
Its one or the other for the case fans.

The CPU fan should be used on the motherboard.
The hard drive, there should be a cable with a LED connector on one end, and it just flies through.

I cannot get a picture at the moment as I am not at home.

The LED will just plug into the TR3a and then a cable goes to the motherboard if I remember correctly, I did it a age ago and have only needed to do it once.

Aha! Thanks for that. I hadn't noticed the empty jumpers next to the 2-pin HDD cable on the TR-3. I'm assuming that's what they're for anyway lol

Cheers mate :)
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