LianLi S80 Power Supply Question..

29 May 2005
anybody out there with the S80 have any issues installing their power supplies ?
Probably will have a Tagan 700W or 800W to go with I'd be interested if anybody with the larger power supplies out there have any size problems

Can not see how there could be, got enough space for two, or maybe three power supplies back to back in it, with 2 DVD drives fitted.
4 DVD drives, Quad SLI, Dual core dual processors, 8 sticks of ram, 8 hard drives, Delta fans, 10 cathodes....

That still only hits around 600w. :p
Yewen said:
4 DVD drives, Quad SLI, Dual core dual processors, 8 sticks of ram, 8 hard drives, Delta fans, 10 cathodes....

That still only hits around 600w. :p

:D :D :D
No......nothing like that..LOL
A fella I know has a spare one going, it may be overkill, but you never know down the line.................don't look a gift horse in the mouth as they say..
If its going cheap or free, who cares!

Makes sense now, but if you were buying you could get away with a lot less than that for any rig.
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