LianLi V1000+ from OcUK....

12 Jan 2003
I am ordering soon and was wondering if anyone has purchased one recently and can tell me if the cases that are shipping from OcUK are the +2 versions with the side fan at the top on the right hand side of the case?
I know that OcUK themselves usually won't answer such questions so thought i would ask here.

Yewen said:
Its pot luck as you know, last two I have had contact with have been +II, same as what people on the forums seem to have had.

yeah i know but it's nice to know the most recent ones have been as i really really want the +2.

WJA96 said:
Order over the telephone and stipulate that you want a +2. If they can't promise that its is, buy elsewhere or get an undertaking from them in writing that they will pay for it's return if it turns out not to be a +2. Great play is made about service levels at OcUK, so hold them to it.

i know what you mean but i will risk it. i know exactly what response i will get if i ask for that. that is presuming i can get through, which hasn't been succesful so far today (order for bro, website/opera screwed up making me place a duplicate order).
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