License & First Bike

8 Oct 2009

I am planning on getting (just starting) my motorcycle license soon.
Now here (in Malta) if you are over 24 you can do the 'all engines' license immediately. So this is what I am going for.

I really like the classic bikes. My goal is to own a Harley Davidson, so that is why I was thinking of buying an Iron 883.

However I am thinking of getting a 2nd hand smaller commuter bike until I get used to driving a motorcycle (even after passing the test) and then buy the Harley a year later.

What would you suggest I do in this situation? Buy the HD immediately or start of on a 125cc bike for a year to get used to riding in traffic and such.

Also if the latter, what kind of bike should I be looking at?
I was taking into consideration the Honda CBF125 or the Yamaha YBR125.
Any others I should look at?

I went to see both Honda and Yamaha today.
I liked the Yamaha more.

However I saw 2 versions... YBR 125 and YBR 125 Custom.

The Custom is more of a HD style with raised handle bars, more chrome, etc which I really like, while the normal version is more sporty.

I really don't know which to go for.

Any suggestions? Pros/Cons?


Edit (Helmet & Gloves):
Regarding the Helmet, I am between the Nolan N104 and the Shark Evoline 3. Any suggestions?
Regarding the Gloves, can you recommend a good pair for winter and summer with knuckles protection?
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Thanks for the replies!

For the bike... I'm still not sure for the custom vs normal.
@alexakasloth... Thanks for this, makes you wonder about getting the custom if the chrome starts to go! Also I think if (when) my bike falls, the chrome will get scratched easier than the plastic on the normal one. Shame I like the looks of the custom better!

For the helmet... I think I'm going with the Shark as I found it more comfortable. Also the chin bar goes all the way to the back so you can use it as an open face helmet which really helps since where I live we get temps of 40 degrees Celsius in summer. The only thing I am worried about is the airflow when in FF mode and the noise!

For the gloves... should I get knuckle protection, waterproof, etc? or these are not needed? (tbh I don't plan on using my bike when it's pouring)
In those sorts of temperatures I'd go with a short breathable summer glove with knuckle protection. Any extra protection for the fingers and scaphoid would be a bonus. You should get a little more airflow up into the arms with a short glove and it should suit a smaller bike I'd say....

Something like these for example :

For a jacket there's a few "airflow" types around that could be worth a try on or maybe one of these leather and fabric affairs that should offer more protection but the airflow too :

Thanks will take a look at these... however what about for winter or when it's raining? Would I need new (maybe waterproof) gear? What gloves would you recommend for winter? Or gloves that I can use all seasons preferably?
Guys I need some advice...

As you know, I will be getting the A license, so technically can ride whatever bike I want.
However I don't want to ride 600 or more powerful as I want to get used to riding after I get my license (my lessons and license will be done on a kyosung 650cc).

I was keen on getting the Yamaha YBR 125 (or custom), however my friend suggested me to get a 250cc bike at least, as I will get bored on the 125 quickly. He said that you can still learn to ride on the 250 but it will have more power than the 125.

What do you think I should buy 125 or 250?
If a 250, what good bikes can you recommend? I like both sporty and retro look and I don't exactly have a budget in mind.

PS: Whatever I buy I will keep for at least 2 years.

I'm not tall... my height is 5' 7" (1.70m)
I am going to use it as a commuter bike (don't really care that much about petrol costs as whatever I get will be less than what I spend on the car)... so traffic jams, etc and no highways, although in the weekends, I would use it and no traffic!

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Cheers guys...

What 250cc should I be looking at then?
I was thinking, either a Honda CBR250R or a Kawasaki Ninja 250R.
Any others I should be looking at?

@Tefal... Thanks, I took a look at it, however I prefer a modular helmet, since it gets very hot here.

@SPARC... tbh, I prefer starting on a smaller bike for a year or 2, then get a bigger bike later on.

Also forgot to say that my weight is around 225 lbs so I'm a bit on the big and heavy side!
I think I decided for a Kawasaki Ninja 300 ABS.

Need to decide whether to get the SE or not but will definitely be getting the green version or the SE which has green and black :)

This should last me for a few years before I save up the money to buy another bike and it's plenty fast for me to learn on!

Now need to decide on helmet and gloves!
Finally done it...

I put a deposit on a 2014 Ninja 300 SE ABS!
The bike should be delivered next week (as I don't have the license yet :o)

Also bought a Shark Evoline3 Hakka helmet.

Next week will buy Alpinestars SP-2 gloves and am waiting for the dealer to get some Alpinestars Fastlane and Fastback shoes to see which are the most comfortable.

November has been a very expensive month so far :D
no delivery yet, bike arrived last week at the shop. They will inspect it and put it together.

However because of work and a weekend break this weekend I won't be able to take delivery before end of next week unfortunately.

Will post up some pics when it arrives :)
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