Life Hacks

7 Sep 2005
Throughout every day life we all do little genius things, moments of inspiration that make something easier or more functional than it was previously. The idea of this thread is to share these 'hacks' to spread our individual tips into a collective.

I'll start the ball rolling:

1) Using Google as opposed to websites or applications to spellcheck (use the 'did you mean' correction).

2) Using your feet to lift the toilet seat (save your back :D)

3) Using your knee to lower the toilet seat without making it slam (nudge the seat down until it catches on your knee then lower your knee, it's an art)

4) Splash water on areas of 'bed hair' that refuse to go down, wait about 5 minutes and watch as your hair is effortlessly now against your head as opposed to at 90 degrees.

5) Using normal hair clippers to keep a stubble-look rather than splashing out on expesive 'beard trimmers'

6) Although I can't take credit for this one, it's genius:
On the subject of memory, image assosciation is a great tool I use to remember long lists of things. Especially using the path tehnique, where you visualise your path from work to home and throughout that path assosicate landmarks with things you need to remember. The irony is I can't remember the name of the study, but the techniques work really well. I'll dig up the info when I get home, or anyone that knows what I'm talking about feel free to pitch in.
If you need to empty a big bottle of liquid gyrate the bottle, it stops the bottleneck effect. You can also use a straw, although those aren't always lying around (think strawpedo).
Make your windows bar 1 task only to keep your other applications you may have open (IRC, MSN, Skype, porn.exe) unviewable to those 'passing by' your monitor without having to hide it.

If you're in a nightclub or somewhere with a lot of ambient noise and you're struggling to hear someone next to you, put your finger in your ear and then listen. It cuts out the ambient noise and makes it a lot easier to hear direct sound.
1, Install a spellchecker.

No? Rofl. This isn't the 90's, son. l2adapt.

2, Is this really quicker than lifting it up with your hand?

As stated, it's better for your back, and also better for your hygine. l2read.

3, Is this really quicker than putting it down with your hand?


4, Ever heard of styling products or washing your hair in the morning?

Yes, I use them daily, and I wash it nightly. Not everyone likes to walk with a clump of **** on the back of their head.

Washing your hair twice a day is bad, another tip for you there. I'm obviously not going to go to bed with dirty hair with products in it, and get it all over my pillow, nice to know you do though. No insults
5, No Wai!!!1!1 I think you're the only person to ever do that :/

And you're the only person to present an argument in trollol-worthy manners and get it stomped on.

6, That is the only one worthy of a mention, the rest are crap.

Lucky I mentioned it then. A-thankyou.
So going to Google, mispelling the word for Google to correct you is quicker than a spellchecker?

LoL, yes it is better for my back bending down all that way :rolleyes:

LoL, washing your hair twice a day is really bad for you OMGZ!1!!, I've done it for years and I have no problem, is that also a personal attack?

I wasn't trolling at all, you made a thread and I picked it to bits, Gilly said your ideas were crap as well, did he get called a ****?

I see you still haven't grown up Sawell so I will leave you to it :rolleyes:

Yeah, cause I'm the one picking fights over the internet :rolleyes:

roFL U so coOl m8
How is copy pasting into google more modern than installing a spell checker/dictionary into your browser?

Because I don't just use 1 device. And when I'm not using one of mine I'll likely be using someone elses, or a client's.

The common link between them all is that they'll all have a browser and they'll all most likely be setup for the net, handheld devices included. Not to mention that having a background process checking your PC for spelling mistakes constantly isn't exactly efficient, and more often than not gets in the way.
i don't consider many of these lifehacks really. :o

the only half clever one i have seen/read is that picture of the clips holding the wires from falling behind the table.

We've established this, I was just trying to get the ball rolling. A minority have decided to pick the ball up and try and hit me with it instead though :mad:
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