Lifeless Planet

Yeah I bought it earlier as I have been watching this closely for years now. Full release is Friday 6th June. I played the Steam early access beta (levels 1-6 only so 14 new levels = 20 levels in the full version) which is 25% cheaper @ £9.99 until 5th June. Its a very solid game & amazing work considering only 1 man made almost the entire game over 3 years :eek:

For £9.99 I think its well worth it as the sense of isolation on the alien planet has a terrific atmosphere & there is a level where you have to walk over a very high canyon which has no checkpoints so you fall its instant death & backtracking to try again. I used a 360 wireless gamepad the controls are excellent & very responsive but it supports full keyboard remapping.

The gfx are also excellent outside on the planet surface it uses highres textures & looks nice but the interiors look dated. This game is more about gameplay/atmosphere than gfx though.

I can tell only 1 person made it as there is not a great amount of gameplay apart from the simple puzzles & jumping or pushing objects a little.

It reminds me a great deal of Commodore 64 games from the 1980's which had limited gameplay but great atmosphere & decent gfx.

If you like retro games with basic gfx (they are DX9 & could easily be DX8 as no fancy shader FX its a basic artstyle with little shader FX lighting used in the first 6 levels anyway) you will like this game & still its amazing 1 person could dedicate 3 years of his life to this & will probably only break even financially.

It deserves support not sure its worth more than £9.99 though (price goes up to £13.99 on release day) as there is not much replay value either so its short & sweet but while it lasts the urge to complete it & explore/find out what happened is very strong.

Its a basic mixture of an old Lucasarts PS2 game called RTX Red Rock & another Lucasarts PC game called The Dig.

For £9.99 I think you will easily get your moneys worth just don't expect more than 6-7 hours worth of playtime.
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Is there much of a story this? The trailer really caught me, but I only want to take the plunge if there's a nice intriguing/intimate storyline.
There is a minimal story this game is more about atmosphere, isolation & intrigue many things are not explained only via journals you find or certain events some in russian with english text subtitles.

For the full price its now gone up to £14.99 I am not sure its worth it if your looking for a strong storytelling experience. But this game is quite unique & leaves a strong impression of isolation on an alien world which may or may not be what it seems.........

The sole developer still deserves support though to make all of this except the music/voiceovers on his own in 3 years is a worthy cause to support if you like the style of game it is.
£14.99 is probably a little bit too much for this game, but it was really enjoyable for me anyways.

I'd definitely recommend this if you like science fiction. Not the Hollywood blockbuster type trash, more the Asimov/Clarke type short story, that's what it felt like to me (albeit a very basic story minus robots). If you like those kind of stories, how can you not like a story of a marooned astronaut on an alien planet running low on oxygen, who discovers a forgotten colony of humans.

I wish there were more games like this.
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1920x1200 Max Everything. Jpeg compressed so look sharper in realtime without FXAA as I am using FXAA.





After 6 hours I am still playing not completed it once yet.

The best thing I can say so far is that I wanted to play it for that time it draws you in & is very hard to put down in the best possible way games grab you if they are very good & you say to yourself just one more go just one more hour :D
Just completed it took around 6 hours first playthru. Its one of the best indie games ever made :eek:

If you like simple puzzles & exploration of barren alien environments this is the game for you ;)
Might have to pick this up, do you think we'll get a good price in the steam sale or should I get it from bundlestars @ £11.99?
Is it Thursday the summer sale kicks off? Sure I read this somewhere...

I remember seeing the advert for this on Steam at release and was tempted but the price tag sorta put me off a bit. Don't normally go for indie games but this does seem very enticing!
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