Lifetime ban for British Fortnite cheat

Must be a slow news day if **** like this gets a mention.

Not only a mention but lead headline ! Mind you, Brexit is on a bit of a lull at the moment, Greta the Puppet isnt up to much either and Bake Off is finished and I'm a Celebrity hasnt started yet, so I guess there isnt much else to put to the top :)
I'm sure its the money he is most sad about, apparently he has amassed almost £2 million from his streaming, he makes £28,000 a month just from advertising.
funny thing is he already made £20,000 off this apology video in add revenue :p

Its bonkers really, I do feel for educaters these days, it must be so hard to try and motivate kids to become doctors, scientists, lawyers, historians, botanists etc etc, when you can make that sort of money by streaming videos instead.
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