Light bleed or damage? Philips 55PUS6401

27 Dec 2011
Hi guys,

I bought a Philips 55PUS6401 brand new in March 2017, so getting on for two and a half years almost. The picture quality has been okay but I did notice some white bleed/ghosting from the get go, but with the price of the TV and the size of it, I kind of expected it.

The other day I come home and notice that there's now a really harsh spot on the TV which wasn't there before. It's really off putting, is always there (except for black screens), and is really off putting.

I've tried to take some photos to illustrate it:




I guess I already know the answer to these questions, but is it fixable, and would I be able to get any compensation from Philips? I'm assuming standard warranty is two years though...

It might be some sort of clamp that has worked loose with heat cycles but yeah it looks and sounds like back light bleed to me. LCD screens have some sort of grid behind the screen to evenly distribute the light, if one area has come loose it might leak more light? I'm only guessing though.
I had exactly the same thing 49PUS6401. It was on the right hand side though. Looked like a much brighter circle on the screen. Always visible and it gradually got worse. Thought someone had hit or pressed on the screen but it's identical to that so must be a fault. I replaced the TV.
I have exactly the same TV and this has just happened to me last week, I have 2 white patches though.

which is why i have been telling folk phillips is crap no matter what the reviews say. build quality is non existant these days even on samsungs. LG and Sony are the only ones who take build seriously. not had a panasonic of recent to see how they fare.
Had two Sony tv's both had terrible build quality, first one had issues with bugs penetrating the LCD layers, the second had issues with the Ethernet port. Both went back and had a full refund directly from Sony.

However this is my personal opinion and by no means could reflect the entire product range.
Hi. I'm having the same problem with my Philips TV although mine is a 55PUS6201.

So sad that the manufacturer warranty has already gone...

Ho can it be fixed?

Thank you.
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