Light overclock

1 Aug 2008
My components:

maximus v gene
3570k + 920 h20 kuhler
samsung green 8GB

Hi there

Bought these a while ago but have been running stock since.

What i'd like is a 'light' overclock but not really 100% sure how to go about it. I take it something like 4.4 on the cpu will be fine? As for the memory, I haven't a clue tbh.

I suppose what i'm asking is whats a good light oc for my setup that can be used stable 24/7, and what are the necessary settings that need changing in bios?

thanks for any help.
A light Overclock!!! Man this is my section nothing Light about it!!! I lift heavy!!!

Ok 4.4ghz
Into Bios
Set the following:
Ratio by all Cores 44.
Memory Speed 2133mhz
Vcore 1.25-1.3 this will need testing.
PLL 1.7
VCCIO 1.05
VTTDR 0.775
DRAM Voltage: 1.65v
Spread spectrum Disable.
Disable all Cstates but leave EIST on.

Go into Digipower and set Load Line Calibration to high.

Into memory settings.
From the top down:
Maximus Tweak Mode 1
9-11-11-25 1 5-124-auto-10-6-26-6-5-7 if this does not work try 8 for the last number.

Save and reboot!!!! Test!!!!
haha sometimes less is more :D

Thanks for the help. will test it out later..

I have a couple of questions though if you have time.

vcore - are those settings 'fixed'. what i mean is will it still drop to idle volt?

spread spectrum - is this necessary to turn off? it's just I remember reading somewhere is should be on for better stability or something.

This is fixed Vcore. Who cares about saving a couple of pence a day!!!

Spread Spectrum needs to be off with Ivy on Sandy it needed to be on!!!

what about the other VRM spread spectrum, I take it this is ok on?

also is a lighter overclock for memory possible? I really don't want to go over 1.5v

btw I did tried all the settings and got blue screen lol
another thing, don't know if it's worth mentioning but I origianlly had the cpu running stock with minus-offset of 0.055 and it was stable no crashes.
My last cpu 2500k died after only 2 years at stock clock. The ram I was using was 1.65v XMP which i used 24/7 as everyone said it is fine. I now feel this is what broke the cpu as Intel say ram over 1.5v will shorten cpu life.

tbh it was a lot of grief trying to figure out the problem at the time and dealing with returns/etc, so you can understand why I want to listen to Intel and not go above 1.5v this time.
My last cpu 2500k died after only 2 years at stock clock. The ram I was using was 1.65v XMP which i used 24/7 as everyone said it is fine. I now feel this is what broke the cpu as Intel say ram over 1.5v will shorten cpu life.

tbh it was a lot of grief trying to figure out the problem at the time and dealing with returns/etc, so you can understand why I want to listen to Intel and not go above 1.5v this time.

In that case don't OC your ram. Keep voltage at what it is rated at, keep timings as supported against rated frequency.

Just OC your chip a little. As long as your voltage and temp is reasonable, you have nothing to worry about.

You need to be happy with what your doing, and comfortable with what your changing too. Otherwise it's not fun. Everyone is different.

Nothing in 8 packs setting is scary. Just ignore the ram stuff (so go 1.5v with 11-11-11-28) start at 1.3v vcore and knock it down by 0.01v every few days until you notice stability issues, ie. bsod 0x0101..
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My last cpu 2500k died after only 2 years at stock clock. The ram I was using was 1.65v XMP which i used 24/7 as everyone said it is fine. I now feel this is what broke the cpu as Intel say ram over 1.5v will shorten cpu life.

tbh it was a lot of grief trying to figure out the problem at the time and dealing with returns/etc, so you can understand why I want to listen to Intel and not go above 1.5v this time.

I can understand yes. But you cant be sure the 1.65v through the RAM is to blame. I use upto 2.3v these days for benching and not one of my chips has degraded in the memory controller so I beleive it to be rubbish. How many chips is ths?? Well 4 test benches at OCUk 80+ 2700K's for a company I work for in London running 1.75v DRAM Volts and 100% CPU for two - three years, hmmm all my benching chips which is about ten in total and my daily rig at home.

For me it was not the RAM that killed your chip. Probably a voltage spike or similar or just one of those things. Its your chip though so you do as you see fit.
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