lighter aficionado's- identify some lighters, bonus japanese translation?

18 Oct 2012
'evening gents

so ive been going through a box of old lighters that belonged to my late grandfather and figured perhaps the hivemind might be able to offer some insights as to what they are?

so contestant number 1:
this one's marked on the flint removal screw "evans patent no 19023 spitfire", seems to be it's missing a few components for the actuator button:

contestant number 2:
built/functions like a zippo, but definately not a zippo. has no marks whatsoever:

contestant number 3:
this one i do at least recognize as i have a couple of its more modern cousins, marked imco triplex. not sure if it's a different design or just rusted shut as i can't figure out how one is supposed to access the flint (my versions the back hinges open but it looks solid on this):

contestant number 4:
marked dunhill on the edge of the flip cover and the bottom has "made in england, pat no 440072" on the bottom. seems very solid although i'm damned if i can figure out how you're supposed to change the flint. google has plenty of info about the dunhill rollagas, but this isn't a gas lighter:

contestant number 5:
marked "polo", mechanism seems to work although seems worn out. bottom reads "patent applied for" with some sort of logo (think it's a dude on a horse, makes sense with the name?) and "made in england":

contestant number 6:
seems to be a tiny version of the above polo (thing's about 1" by 1" in profile), although looks newer and has no markings whatsoever:

and finally contestant number 7:
i promised a translation opportunity, this one's marked as a "prince gas coronet A" with "pat number 234754". however it also has some Japanese(?) characters on the front, tried using google translate but the camera didn't like reading on metal:
google the above. seems that one might be worth a couple of quid!

i did, and there's a bunch of auction sites show similar ones but they don't show prices or how you're supposed to change the flints (which i assume is all it'd need to work)

curiously there is one result for a US patent for "an adhesive binding material formed from asbestos sheets" which seems to be a tad far off the mark......
can't help with the flint changing but appears to be a dunhill broadboy

there's a couple on that list mk2's look very similar, is that seriously what they go for?

had a closer look at it and on the inside of the lid there's an "og" marking, or it might be "06" it's hard to tell and on the side of the flint housing there's an "x"

edit: i imagine it contains a wick too which likely needs replacement.

yeah, there's a stub of wick in it but looks like one of those "get a pokey thing and fish out all the cotton" type jobs.

there is a portion on the back, i thought it was a press-fit assembly. tried moving it but it's stuck fast and i kinda don't want to take a punch to it.
Does the Japanese say something like 'property of General products (Ltd)' it's been over 15 years since I studied and don't really remember any kanji, so probably wrong. Perhaps just 'General products (ltd)'

so not a custom engraving then, still interesting to know. my grandad worked in the merchant navy so sounds like he must have bought this in japan and that's the mark of a distributor?

Also the second one looks like a cheap & nasty jobbie that you buy for 2000 tickets at an arcade.

entirely plausible, as above the merchant navy link means a flea market in some random port is an entirely valid possibility.

managed to get the flint door open on the dunhill and it was indeed only missing a flint, seems like a fresh wick and some fuel and she'd work just fine.
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