Fitting a 58W fluorescent to my loft, and cable access is proving a nightmare. I can easily run from an existing rose, but it appears to be a spur itself, not part of the loop. Given that it's my house and I therefore know I won't continue to spur ad infinitum, any issue with taking a spur from that rose to feed the new light? Or am I being daft and this would just be the last looped rose?
Not the end of the world if it's not acceptable, just wanted to check before I started a lot of nugatory effort!
Also, if using blue/brown 3 core to run to a switch, what's the recognised sleeving to indicate a live and switched live? It'll only be a foot or two run along a loft timber, so source will be obvious.
I'd always rather ask and get it right than do half a job .
Not the end of the world if it's not acceptable, just wanted to check before I started a lot of nugatory effort!
Also, if using blue/brown 3 core to run to a switch, what's the recognised sleeving to indicate a live and switched live? It'll only be a foot or two run along a loft timber, so source will be obvious.
I'd always rather ask and get it right than do half a job .
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