Lighting my case (Eclipse) UV with Red Caths?

26 Jan 2006
Okay heres what i have at the mo, some nice pics, and yes my window needs a clean :rolleyes:


But i wanted a change with some other stuff im updating, so i ordered a couple of red cathodes, and a couple of UV. ( get bored soo quickly :p )

Ive just thought now though, is it gonna be okay to mix the two in the case? :confused:

Also what about positioning?

Was thinking about putting the reds in the usual places (bottom of window, then one running up to the left)

Where would be the best place for the UV?

Is their anything i could do creatively with the spare to cathodes ill have?
Was thinking maybe one in the top/ psu space?

Just though, is their a way i could sneak one so it stuck underneath, outisde the case?

And creative ideasa woould be great!. Thanks
the red cathodes will look pink.. I had terrible trouble trying to get a decent red light in a previous case to the point where I gave up.
cu3ed, did you get the red caths mate? Any Pics?

I thinking of doing the same, and could do with some photos to make my mind up! :p
I have just done mine with 2 Blue tubes.I put one vertical on the SS Tray between the drive cage and mobo.The other horizontal in bottem of the case,in the middle so I can still pull the cage and it will pass over it.Looks pretty good and sufficiant lighting for the whole case.I am not using coloured Fans either,I bought a pair of Aluminium Fans as they where cheap.They look good with the SS Tray ect.
Yep just got everything finished tonight!!!

IMO, the Red Caths are not Red enough, kinda magena/ pinkish.

They only really work if paried with some blue at the other side.

So my layout was.

1x red at the bottom window, 1x running vertical at the left of the window.

1x blue stuck to the BACK of the motherboard tray (just allowing light though the semi circles).

One in the roof just rounning along the window side stuck to the chassis.

1x oh and one Black light to punch out the cables abit, which actually helps a lot as they dont look well with just the blue and red.

Hope this helps.



Yeah I bought some red cathodes and they look pink :( , I'm gona go for some blue ones looking at your first pics.
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