Lighting Question

7 Jul 2006
Stoke on Trent
I know there is proabably no "right" answer.
But what lighting set ups would people recomend for portrait type photographs.

we have two lights here, but where is the best place to put them, and how many more (if any) do i need.
No direct light in the face as it makes it over exposed. Portrait shots are usually done best with soft light, no harshness. Sometimes though a rapid switch between bright light and darkness works well in portraits, depends what doing. No right or wrong answer here really,lol
I've just taken my first portrait type shots (a few posts below) and I used light bounced off some white card, with white and gold reflectors (more card!) near the model to help fill in the shadows. On the occasions where I needed a fill flash I used a white sock to diffuse it (I've only got an onboard flash and nothing else seemed to work as well) :p
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