
18 Oct 2002
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I wanted a good lightning shot so badly, and now thanks to living in Toronto I got my chance. I still need one of the CN Tower, but my apartment is facing the wrong way and I'm too scared to go out in storms like this!

In other news, I recently said...

"An interesting development in the visa application occurred.
Turns out the Canadian government in their infinite wisdom have decided to extend my exisiting "non-extendable" visa for another 2 months."

It turns out this information was wrong. It did sound wrong because it would mean the Canadian government would be breaking their own rules.

I checked today and while I can still continue working in Canada, I still need to apply for a new work visa anyway. I did this today and so now I need to wait for the decision on that stage.

My flight home would have been tomorrow, but I've had to let it pass.

Enjoy the lightning pic! It might be a bit cooler around here now that we've had a decent storm. :)

cyKey said:
Jesus! Did that hit the island? Ace shot and gl on the app.

Edit: Just saw Daily Dose's shot. Why does he always have to be that lucky? ;)

I would definitely would have got a shot as good as Daily Dose, but my apartment is facing the wrong way and it wasn't advisable to go outside to take these kind of pics!
Sp00n said:

How did you take it? Just point the camera out the window with a long exposure and just hope for the best, or was it a bit more scientific than that?

I put the camera on the tripod, put the tripod on my balcony (10th floor) and then tried to shelter from the rain by using my remote release cable.

Kept hoping the tripod would act as a lightning rod!


It was a 10 second exposure with an aperture of f/9.
Panzerbjorn said:
Awesome shot, love the detail in the foreground, would make a great photo by itself but with the lightning for a dramatic backdrop thats stunning.

with a 10sec exposure did you just keep shooting untill you were lucky enough to get a bolt on lightning in that 10 sec period? how many shots did you have to take if you don't mind my asking :)


I used a 300d and took 1 GIG of shots. This was the only one that looked amazing. I do have some others with lightning on them, but they aren't as spectacular. I think I took about 170 all together, but most of the last 30 were of nothing special, because the storm had died down and I was just filling the card for fun.

My camera didn't get wet, because my balcony is protected by the floor of my neighbours balcony above. I got a bit of rain on the lens when it got windy, but I wiped it off with a cloth each time that happened to keep the shots clear.
Raymond Lin said:
Should've just told them you got it in 1 shot :p

LOL - yer, my 'ShutterBug' sense tingles right before there is going to be an amazing shot, so I know when to press the button. :D
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