Lightroom acting strange. Yellow tint in lightroom but not in saved image?

6 Jan 2006
Hi guys.

I'm getting a strange problem with Lightroom 5.6 where when editing an image there is a yellow tint that isn't there once the file is saved?

I have exported the out of camera raw file to photoshop CC where there is no yellow tint at all so this problem seems to occur only in Lightroom.

Any ideas on what could be going on?

The yellow tint becomes quite apparent if I convert the otherwise unedited image to black and white in the 'basic' tab.

If I save this black and white image it is black and white without the yellow tint.

Here is a comparison between the saved file and the same picture in Lightroom

But surely there should be only one calibration that is correct? If I calibrate my monitor to how the application asks and then I just bump up the brightness because I *think* it's too dim that is against the point of the calibrator in the first place.
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