So at the moment, my photo adjustment method is the very scientific way of fiddling with the adjustments until i like the way the photo looks, trying not to go over the top with any one setting. But pretty much just starting from the top and working downwards.
Can anybody either explain what each setting actually does or point me to a decent explanation somewhere? The guides I've seen don't really explain the actual effect, only what the end result is. I feel I'd be much better served if I actually knew what I was doing with each adjustment as at the moment, it all feels a little bit random. I'm sure i could process my pics better if I understood more fundamentally what the adjustments actually do to the pixels etc.
Some seem obvious, like contrast, exposure etc, but some like luminance/clarity are a little less so. I suspect that a lot of what I do counteracts other stuff I do to the pictures.
I think I'm not bad at taking pictures, but I also think I could improve significantly if I understood better what I was doing in processing.
Can anybody either explain what each setting actually does or point me to a decent explanation somewhere? The guides I've seen don't really explain the actual effect, only what the end result is. I feel I'd be much better served if I actually knew what I was doing with each adjustment as at the moment, it all feels a little bit random. I'm sure i could process my pics better if I understood more fundamentally what the adjustments actually do to the pixels etc.
Some seem obvious, like contrast, exposure etc, but some like luminance/clarity are a little less so. I suspect that a lot of what I do counteracts other stuff I do to the pictures.
I think I'm not bad at taking pictures, but I also think I could improve significantly if I understood better what I was doing in processing.