Like cooking for people, eat with them or after?

24 Jul 2003
South East Coast
Weird thread i'm sure.

I like cooking, especially for other people - for myself I go simple. But if putting time/effort into something it is always for other people. BBQ, Roasts etc

I find when I am putting in effort I like to cook for others and then take what is leftover or what I have saved and eat after but have had some comments of 'come and eat with us!' but I personally prefer eating after 'in peace' as it were.

What are your thoughts, eating with the guests you are cooking for or eating after?
Yeah that's definitely weird, if you've invited people round it's not usually just to cook for them, but to also socialise. You also then make the situation awkward by either being present while they eat, or coming across as a bit rude by disappearing.

Unless you're a trainee chef working on a new menu then I'd fully be expecting the host who's cooked for me to come join in.
I like cooking and I enjoy cooking meals for other people. There are odd occasions where I've cooked for a family member but due to timing we haven't actually eaten the meal together, but it's rare. The idea of cooking a meal for a group and then choosing not to eat it together does seem quite weird as eating together is a sociable, bonding experience. Are there other social occasion from which you choose to distance yourself?
Yup I do a lot of cooking, basically all of it actually my Mrs can't cook for ****.

But I'll always get stuck in eating, to be honest chefs privileges.... You get that extra crispy bit etc
I like cooking for my partner, but we're not particularly sociable so don't have other people round much at all.

I have cooked for 8+ people quite a few times, and will usually eat with them, although I find when I cook for that many people, I'm not particularly hungry by the time it gets to eating it!
So would you invite a date round to cook for them and have them eat on their own?

'Oh don't you worry...I'll be eating later...' (wink, nudge or a sinister snear).
I like to eat things straight away when served because I don't like finding any part of my food that has significantly cooled, as such I insist upon heated plates, which can be a contentious issue in of itself. I don't understand having cooled leftovers being a desirable outcome.
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