Likely to lose much money on an Index?

7 Jan 2006
South Wales

Basically, steam have emailed me to say I can purchase a Valve index.

I wasn't seriously considering one, due to the cost.

....but, I've been thinking (trying to justify a potential purchase), if I bought one, and sold it in 3 months time after playing Half Life: Alyx and a few other games. How much money do you think I'd be likely to lose on it?

£100, £200, £300+? Any thoughts would be appreciated as I'd love to try one out, and this seems like the only way I could make that happen.

Of note, I'm running a Ryzen 3600 with a 5700XT.
I would imagine that if demand keeps up the way it does S/H prices would remain good. Looks as though transfer of warranty and HL:A could be a bit of a ball ache though with steam
I know that second hand Oculus Quests and Rift S headsets have been selling at retail or even higher during the shortage, and some people have been getting good prices for Indexes too, but stock levels are now increasing and wait times decreasing, so I think that situation is nearly over.
I think the real risk is you won’t want to sell it :D

Hard to say, at the moment you probably won’t lose much. If in the mean time supply problems abate and they become readily available from the website or another company comes out and announces a new amazing headset then you may take a bigger hit.
If you only want a quick try of VR, then just get a Rift S. It gives most of the VR experience that you get from the Index.
Thanks for the replies. Yeah I've potentially missed the sweet spot of buying and then selling one I agree.

I think the real risk is you won’t want to sell it :D

Haha, I think this might be the most helpful answer Zee.

If you only want a quick try of VR, then just get a Rift S. It gives most of the VR experience that you get from the Index.

Yeah, I can see the logic. I suppose I am drawn to the Index for some reason I can't quite put my finger on.

The adjustable IPD is a must for me.
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