Lil-D's Build Log

21 May 2012
Hi Everyone

Recently joined the forums here and I finally had some time to post some sort of a build log.

Specs are as follows

CPU: Intel 3570K
Mobo - Asrock Extreme 4-M
Memory - Samsung Green 16GB 30Nm
PSU - Corsair HX 750W
GFX - Intel 4000 (Onboard) - No Laughing - it's only for now
ODD -Some LiteOn drive
HDD - 2'5 - 500 GB Scorpio Blue
Case - Fractal Design Arc Mini

Couple of Scythe Gentle Typhoons AP-15 running off a fan controller
Scythe Slip Stream (High Speed)

I've tried to make this somewhat of a budget build, I've tried to get most of the stuff second hand, although that never quite works out does it?

Anyway here are some of the stuff thats been bought

The Fans and Mobo

PSU and H100

Fractal Arc Mini

Feel free to comment, suggest, mock or ridicule :)
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First Order Of business was to fix up the front of the Case.

I'm trying to make this build a little silent and I know that these "bars" are just going to give me grief

So off they go

I'm pretty disappointed with the filters of this case, they seem more like that scotchbrite stuff you use to wash dishes with.

Anyway I got a bit carried away working, forgot to take pics as I went step by step, but it's pretty straight forward. I ended up with this
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Just one last update...

Unfortunately the H100 I bought seems to only come with the AMD brackets so thats going to delay things slightly.
I'm sure you;ll notice in the above pic, it's still got the AMD bracket on the water block.
Seems you can order a mounting kit from corsair, pretty cheap too, it's a pity the delivery charges are more expensive than the actual item!!?!
I ordered some items from ocUK, just waiting for them to get to me
CPU - 3570k and the memory RAM
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lol @ bacon grease.
Yes I am, It's not gonna be straight away thou, That kinda work requires a steady hand. Something which I really don't have.

I'm opting for the Coollaboratory Liquid Pro on the inside. (Which seems to yield the best results)
Outside I'm thinking of Some Shin Etsu - 7783D (I think), I've got like 5 syringes of that stuff so i have plenty to run tests with.
I'm was thinking of getting that Indigo Xtreme stuff, But I remember with my 1090T, It didn't melt properly and it was a pain to work with - Maybe it was my fault thou
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