Lil sister wants me to photograph wedding

13 Jan 2010
The only slightly appropriate lens is have is nifty 50mm 1.8
I do not feel this is very appropriate what with lack of range
I actually find 50mm an odd distance and it's definitely my least used tool

This isn't that close so there's no rush but what sort of lens should I be looking at? I know lots of you guys do this sort of thing
I've now said I will take pics but not as the photographer. Just as an extra. (as in if I wasn't there it wouldn't matter)

You guys are right it would be my first and it is late this year but not something to mess up!

I would still be interested in getting something to suit this scenario

A 24-70 would actually be a really useful lens in general

I have a
10-22 canon uwa
100mm canon macro L
50mm I mentioned
And will be getting sigma 120-300mm next
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All round bad idea then. Good job I asked.
I think it's 2015 or very late this year

Yep I have a crop sensor

I was thinking it would be a useful lens to fill the gap betweenwide and 100mm
And also be a good llenses I do take my camera to such events
Ok, so I know where I am in respects to not doing the event.

What is the best way to practice for things like this?
Interesting to say the 17-55 is a better choice. Is the top end on the 24-70 just too long?
ive decided to take my camera and take pictures but am stressing i am only an accessory and that someone paid is needed

i also dont think it is something i will be able to practice. its not the sort of situation i come across much (where as wildlife, architecture, macro etc can all be practiced easily)

the above may well be why i dont really have a good portrait lens as i dont get much normal use out of one

it will be a good experience to learn this style without pressure if im not being depended on
if the vote goes to 17-55 then i will look at that
might make the actual event more interesting too!

i think my sister is trying to cut costs lol!

another thing would be only one body and about 3 usable lenses..providing i get something mentioned in this thread
id rather the best crop than my 60d really too

i also have nothing like the 70-200mm lens
atm i only have primes between 22-120mm range !
nor off cam flash

its amazing how different types of photography need so different equipment!

so i havent really got the equipment but more important is lack of practice (+lack of opportunities)
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