So, I spent the afternoon just east of Brighton at the base of the chalk cliffs, clambering about on the rocks in the sun with my tshirt off, listening to music, and most importantly... collecting Limpets! They were super easy to collect by just sharply sliding a chisel underneath.
Here they are, washed and scrubbed and sitting in some clean salt water. I think I'll leave them in overnight to cycle the clean water through themselves before I boil them tomorrow. This is a total experiment by the way, I've never tried this before!
I thought I'd stick the picture and the story up on here in case anyone was interested as to what they tasted/looked like etc, and how to eat them, all of which will be revealed tomorrow with more pictures!
The only problem is, after washing them and setting them up in the casserole dish, I kind of like them, I don't want to have to boil them alive
Here they are, washed and scrubbed and sitting in some clean salt water. I think I'll leave them in overnight to cycle the clean water through themselves before I boil them tomorrow. This is a total experiment by the way, I've never tried this before!
I thought I'd stick the picture and the story up on here in case anyone was interested as to what they tasted/looked like etc, and how to eat them, all of which will be revealed tomorrow with more pictures!
The only problem is, after washing them and setting them up in the casserole dish, I kind of like them, I don't want to have to boil them alive