Link to quickpwn 2.2 please

5 Oct 2004
Looking for a link to download quickpwn 2.2 plus any other files I need to jailbreak a 2.2 iPhone 3G.

I've found some but they all look dodgy lol.

Got it. Started the install and its asking for a IPSW. I believe my iPhone is 2.2.

Where can I get this file from?

Sorry for the n00b questions :)
If your iPhone is already on 2.2, you can backup your iPhone in iTunes and then use that right?

Yeah, I have my iPhone set to manually manage my music so I have to press Sync, which backs up my settings befire I used quickpwn. A mate of mine tried it and it failed on booting and he was able to restore his iPhone perfectly in iTunes having created the backup.
I did the following.

Made sure it was upto 2.2 via iTunes
Backed up in iTunes
Ran quickpwn 2.2 and pointed it at the 2.2 Firmware
Then started to customise the hell out of it :)
Just quickpwn'd my iphone 3g (had it for months but never got round to it till now). Two question, one if i wanted to undo it (remove jailbreak and all installed apps), would all i have to do is restore the backup i created from itunes? two all i've installed is cycoder are there any other recommended apps?

Yeah, plug it into iTunes and do an update.

Apps wise. I've installed Winterboard, Glass Orb thmes with SBSettings plugin (very useful) and a few sms apps as a trial.

Spent most of the day customising the theme lol.
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