LinkedIn Premium - worth it for job searching?

1 Nov 2007
Sorry for starting two threads in this forum in 2 days. I'm on a bit of a roll when it comes to job hunting at the moment, and I was wondering what people thought about LinkedIn Premium?

I get messages from recruiters reasonably often on the free plan, but I want to try and get more now that I am actively looking for a new job.

Does anyone here use LinkedIn Premium and is it worth the money?
I started using LinkedIn for job hunting since last month. I am using the trial premium membership and I dont see the difference with job searching. So I wont be paying for it when it runs out.
I often thought about if Premium was worth it, never took the plunge and I keep getting contact from recruiters without it, one thing that I did wonder was did they have 'hidden' jobs in Premium which I guess @malachi has answered.
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