Linkin Park Massacre the Transformers theme

26 Sep 2005
Tonbridge, Kent
The Transformers theme massacred

EDIT: It wasn't Linkin Park it is a band called Mutemath.

For the love of God! WHY? This has got to be the worst theme tune that I have ever had the misfortune of hearing. Actually this is one of the worst songs I have ever heard full stop.

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Actually I've heard far worse. Im not keen on LP either really, but the film is a modernisation of the old Transformers stuff, and this sounds exactly like that.
It's linkin park does the transformers theme. What else was this going to sound like? To me it's exactly what I'd expect the transformers theme tune to sound like if played by linkin park.
ben_j_davis said:
But its an awful version, I'd maybe expect this from a film made back in the late 80's or early 90's but not now.

no....this is exactly what I expected...

to be fair, the theme was always going to be by linkin park...

penski said:
no....this is exactly what I expected...

to be fair, the theme was always going to be by linkin park...


I was wrong, it was done by Mutemath although i suspect that someone from Linkin did the vocals.
I'm pretty sure Mutemath did an entirely different version here:

Linkin Park's version (in the OP) is what dog turd probably sounds like at the microscopic level. Which would be surprisingly cool, but that's not the point...

I kinda like the Mutemath one, but it's the type of thing I'd like to hear maybe in the end credits, or just on the soundtrack. The original movie theme tune beats both of them as an opener, methinks.

EDIT: Actually I think the Linkin Park one would be perfect for the end credits rather than the Mutemath one. It's only dogturd as an opener.
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The Mute Math one is complete crap. The one in the Op is better, though it's still not a patch on the original. That's saying quite a bit though as the original was pretty retarded in the first place! Not sure if it's Linkin Park though, don't think so.
It sounds.....boring to me. I expected it to sound exciting with more happening, but this is awful.

I mean fair enough it's modern but there just isn't much happening musically.
It's really growing on me. I have listened to it a few times before going to bed now. :confused:

I wish I had some nice speakers to play it at full blast.

Is there a full version out yet somewhere?
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