linking a flash button to a specific target

5 Nov 2004
Its gonna be hard for me to explain but I made this flash image thumbnail scroller and I want each of the buttons to load a .jpg into a specific Iframe within the html they are both loaded into.

explanation here
in theory, flash command:
getURL("yourURL", "target");
target = iframe name.

edit: in practice too, i just tested it..
<IFRAME NAME="iframeName" SRC="someFile.html" >
getURL("someOtherFile.html", "iframeName");
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Hector said:
in theory, flash command:
getURL("yourURL", "target");
target = iframe name.

edit: in practice too, i just tested it..
<IFRAME NAME="iframeName" SRC="someFile.html" >
getURL("someOtherFile.html", "iframeName");
It is just reloading the html page. doing nothing in the iframe
np's :cool:

images draw from the top left without being wrapped in anything.. easy way to center the image would be to link to html and use ye' old <img> method.

or perhaps to an asp file can do it dynamicaly but i know next to nothing about asp. if something dawns on me i'll be back :)
Hector said:
np's :cool:

images draw from the top left without being wrapped in anything.. easy way to center the image would be to link to html and use ye' old <img> method.

or perhaps to an asp file can do it dynamicaly but i know next to nothing about asp. if something dawns on me i'll be back :)
old <img> method? I dont understand. Im quite blank when it comes to web design :)
just make an .html file and in it use the <img src="yourimage.jpeg"></img> to display the image.

use an external .css file to style the page and center the image.. then to make a new page just copy and paste the html, rename the html and change the image source parameter to that of the required image. by using css will mean any style tweaks won't result in you having to edit all the html's.

ps, i'm sure i see a link to an .asp in your html earlier.. did i or am i going cookoo? :o :D

edit: some info on using an external .css file..
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