Linking two PS2's?

11 Jun 2004
Middlesex, London
Hello all,

I undestand that you can link two PS2's together with an i-link cable etc..

I just want to know know what's involved? and what this allows you to do? in 4 player?
The only two games I know of that can use iLink are GT3 and Timesplitters 2 ("# iLink support allowing up to 8 consoles to be linked together (PlayStation 2)")

Don't even know if GT4 supports it.
I think some games support a LAN connection. I'm guessing you could use a crossover cable and two copies of the game. Assuming you have network adapters or slimline ps2's that is.
IIRC, you could link up three PS2 using 3 TVs and 3 copies of GT3 to play single player with one TV for each of the right, front and left views out your car.

I wonder if anyone outside of Japan actually tried it though?

There wasn't much support for it though and the i-link was eventually dropped off the console.
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