Lint free cloth?

26 Jun 2005
On the back of Artic TIM remover it says to use with a lint free cloth....what is a lint free cloth? I just use kitchen roll or something
Either kitchen roll or good quality toilet roll does the trick for me. I think "Lint" refers to "Bobbly Bits" - Sorry if thats not technical.


Google "wikipedia lint free cloth" - Look at the first hit.
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what does it actually mean tho?
something thats not going to be statically charged?
something with out much fluff on it which will get stuck to the cpu?

they are the only two options I can think of
gdgd, s'what i've always used too, was just wondering as was reading a tube of TIM remover y/day coz i was bored and spotted it, lol
Something that is 100% cotton, like a t-shirt. Kitchen roll is liable to scratch.
a lint free cloth can be obtained FREE of charge from specsavers or the like. just say you need a lint free cloth for your glasses. thats what i use for cleaning monitor etc :D
split said:
I waiting for someone to say an old pair of these ;)

Wait no longer, for I use a pair of old boxers.

I need something that won't leave bits behind, and I imagine kitchen roll to be too fiberous for the job. It's too much like toilet roll, which does obviously leaves bits behind. Got to be an old hankie or something similar for me.
MuSsEr said:
ok, I think I have soime sun glasses cleaning cloths somewhere I dont use

how about a monitor cleaning cloth?

I would imagine any cloth designed for cleaning glass would be lint free. So yeah, I reckon a monitor cleaning cloth is suitable.

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