Linux confusion

Oh my, Oh my.

It is sad when I am able to follow it all in its Geekiness and find it funny.

But oh my, 22 years in computing :p

22 years using word....
Yewen said:
Oh my, Oh my.

It is sad when I am able to follow it all in its Geekiness and find it funny.

But oh my, 22 years in computing :p

22 years using word....

Dont take the mick or ill phone the FBI on you! :p ive still got tears in my eyes, he so should have sent it to tuttletimes! :D
Some folks just do not understand how computers work, this was the funniest email trail I’ve read for a while.

Reminds me when someone at a company I worked for wanted to know how all the pictures and text etc was transferred down the telephone line. Told me, if you post a letter and the postman delivers this, when you post an email how does the postman pick it up out of the telephone line?

I really couldn’t believe what I’d heard, and after numerous attempts to explain how your email is converted to computer data and is basically bytes that computers can read, that are then just passed from computer to computer using electric etc, and watching their eyes glaze over, I just lost the will to live.

Amazes me sometimes… I’m no Einstein, but it does beggar belief at times..
The Registers version is slighty better. They published the Centos email log, and he was overwhelmed with emails saying what a plank he was. He then emailed el reg telling them to stop with the story.

He is a class tool :) :D
"Sir this is Tuttle County Police. Step away from the computer and come out with your hands up"
Wouldn't you just love it if he'd gone to the FBI. "Sir were coming round to arrest you for being stupid and in charge of a computer." :D

It so fun watching people fall flat on their face after getting irate with you for something you know full well you haven't done. :D
Best thing is he has denied it was anything to do with his end, and that a CentOS were at fault :p

I hope the term a 'tuttle' does come in, would be one I would be willing to use!
What a dumbo...feel sorry for the developer of centOS. Probably made him feel like he wanted to quit!
The scary part is this guy worked for Raytheon for 22 years. Raytheon is a big military contractor. They're the ones who make most of the "smart" bombs and missiles. A man that dense has been building Tomahawk curise missiles for years...

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