Hey all, been using ubuntu 16.10 for last few weeks, not tried linux before but i have already swapped my laptop to it, compared to windows its a whole better world.
i do coding in lua / c# , terminal seems easy enough once syntax is down.
Now ive not tried any other distros at all upto now, What is everyones goto for gaming? i know the compatibility issues etc, ive got lintus / steam and wine on ubuntu but looking for a more all in one that has most stuff preinstalled or on their own repos etc.
what do you all use and why?
i do coding in lua / c# , terminal seems easy enough once syntax is down.
Now ive not tried any other distros at all upto now, What is everyones goto for gaming? i know the compatibility issues etc, ive got lintus / steam and wine on ubuntu but looking for a more all in one that has most stuff preinstalled or on their own repos etc.
what do you all use and why?