Linux Distros

18 Oct 2002
I am a linux/unix newbie, (hopefully not for long though) could some one tell me which linux distros are free and which you have to pay for?
I have just started using redhat 7.3 and hp-ux, red hat seems fairly easy to us, contrary to popular belief, and i want to start using it more.
Any sites on the first install would be good to!
Yea use hp-ux in one of the labs, on some hp work stations couldent tell you which one though.
Would it be better/easier to put it on a seperatate disk or a partion of my main disk, as I am running xp pro at the moment and would like to keep that, for a while at least.
Does it put on its own boot menu or is that somthing I have to do?
Experience is certainly the word!
So far the labs I have been in have had, hp-ux in one, redhat Linux 7.3 in another (which I think is fairly common around the site) and win 2k, i didn’t use it but i believe that it is on the Linux boxes loaded through a virtual machine, if that sounds right!
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