Hey. I have a old PC laying around so I though I'd put it to some use. I want to install a Linux opperating system on it and use it as a file server to my 2 desktops. First off I'll I've not really looked into this before so I have some questions. Can you stream movies/music from this server, as opposed to copying it from the server then playing it?
Here is how my network is currently set up, after Christmas I will be installing Windows 7 on the second desktop, so both will have Windows 7 installed. Is it fine to be running Linux on the server and having the 2 clients running Windows (I assume so)? What server OS should I use? I am fimiliar with Linux and how to use it, but iIve never ran a server on it.
Here is how my network is currently set up, after Christmas I will be installing Windows 7 on the second desktop, so both will have Windows 7 installed. Is it fine to be running Linux on the server and having the 2 clients running Windows (I assume so)? What server OS should I use? I am fimiliar with Linux and how to use it, but iIve never ran a server on it.