Linux Mail Server Setup

18 Oct 2002
Bamber Bridge
Hi all,

Right to start off with i'm not too great with linux but can use cli commands ok, and have setup numerous linux servers as proxies, firewalls and a samba server. So not totally clueless, but not too upto speed on linux.

Right now onto what i'm after, i've got a cctv system at home that will email on activity or alarm, but it has to be an unauthenticated smtp server on port 25. Now as most smtp servers are either using authentication or a different port, i'd like to setup a linux box that will receive these emails from the cctv unit on my network, and send them out to my isp smtp server using authentication.

Can anyone help with a brief guide, what distro, programs for mail and the like?

I'd ideally like to have the programs that you can use on a raspberry pi, as it's small and low powered, but for now i've got a vmware machine I can use and any distro, once i've got my head round the probs and configs, i'll hopefully be able to get it to work on a pi. Don't have a pi at the moment so thats a no go, it's more a concept to see if it works.

Any help appreciated.

Postfix is probably what you'll need to use (that or sendmail), best thing if your not savvy on these programs is to use the Webmin front-end for them if possible.
Well i've managed to get a windows app that works, but it's £60. More than I want to pay for the functionality.

Does anyone have any experience with debian, and sendmail or postfix? I need to figure out how to setup a system, that can receive unauthenticated emails from the internal network only, and forward/relay them to the isp's smtp server that requires authentication.

Think I really need to sit down and start playing!!
I've only really used postfix on RHEL/CentOS, but the default config is usually to send mail from the local system only direct to MX for the recipient.

To change the above default into what you want you'll need to add your local network into the mynetworks parameter, set relayhost to be your ISP's SMTP server and set up the smtp_sasl_* options with your auth details.
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