Linux Mint 11 “Katya” released!

8 Jan 2009
Northern Ireland
The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 11 “Katya”. Linux Mint 11 “Katya” New features at a glance: One click install for multimedia codecs and extra applications The Software Manager UI improvements New splash screen Fonts category More accurate package information More application icons by default More accurate search by default [...]

Nice one,
using it now. Very slick! I like it. Everytime a new linux mint is released, I try it, but always end up back on windows, but now i might stick with mint.

The only weird thing about linux is that I dont think I get on with the fonts as well as i do in windows. after browsing the web for a while, I start to feel sick while using linux! Strange i know but true :(
I've just adapted to them over time, but i'm sure there's a trick i'm missing with the fonts in Arch. And i agree, no matter what font packages i install/remove they all look exactly the same to me :confused:
done that, it makes no difference what so ever to the fonts in firefox / thunderbird :( really hurts my eyes after a bit.

In Firefox preferences make sure it's set up to allow websites to choose their own fonts. This along with installing MS fonts should help.

I felt the same as you, this did make a big difference.

I also had Arch using Mac OSX fonts too, that looked quite good.
This is the perfect sort of thing that I want to install on my Dads laptop. It's clean, simple and seems very polished.

I tried the live CD and unfortunately from browsing round on the interwebs the NIC that is in the laptop "INPROCOMM IPN 2200" does not work on any Linux distro, Which is a shame.
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