Linux noob - what does this mean:

10 Jul 2006
it is quicker to do it if you dont do it from a usb key. rsync the filesystem to the pc, mount bind /proc and /dev to its proc and dev, and chroot to it.

Basically I have a Ubuntu image that is on a USB key that I want to edit, but it's taking ages doing in on the USB stick so I was told todo this but I have no idea what it means.

Anyone know?
The mount bind is the command you have to do before the chroot, I recommend you read up on how to do a chroot, it's not very hard, but basically you have to use /dev and /proc with the `-o bind` option before chrooting. The bind option is because you are remounting part of an existing filesystem to another part. far as I can see...the mount bind just mounts the folders somewhere does that help and where am I supposed to mount them?
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