Linux Server - get me started!

14 Mar 2004
Brit in the USA
So I'll be taking a Linux Server class as part of the Systems Admin course I'm doing. I want to get a head start and have a play with Linux before the class begins (few weeks away yet) but I've never even peeked at Linux before and have no idea where to start or how it all works :) Can anybody point me in the right direction and maybe suggest what to have a play with first? I'll be running it in a VM of some kind, if that makes any difference. Looking forward to getting my hands dirty :cool:

I'd use VMWare player, it's insanely simple to install most linux servers on VMWare, it does all the settings itself.

The best thing to do is find out which server you're using on the class, if you want to get a head start. There are big similarities between them, but there are some differences which could mean you're learning the wrong thing which would just be pointless - ie how you install apps can vary from distro to distro.

The first thing I'd do is learn a few basic commands for navigating the file system, and learning how to modify text files using basic text editors. Look for the cd (change directory), ls (list files/directories), mkdir (creates a directory) and rm (delete****) commands, along with a text editor such as nano or vi. I prefer nano as it's an easier transition from notepad or textedit. Vi has some more powerful features but you're unlikely to need them early on.

Then just have a look around and learn what is where, install a few tools, apps and servers and try them out. Just have a play.

I'd also take a look at this article which seems to give a fairly basic understanding of what goes where when you're navigating the file system.

****BE CAREFUL using rm. rm * deletes everything in the current directory, rm /* deletes everything in the root directory.
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I would tend to go with Audigex and just add a few things.

If you are going to be learning on RedHat (RHEL) or CentOS then grab a copy of CentOS minimal and install. The reason behind this is that CentOS minimal has the bare minimum to get the server running. If you want anything else you will have to learn how to grab and install packages, setup repositories, possibly compile and deploy software and a host of other things from the command line as there are no gui setups installed. Install the OS, snapshot it in VMWare, have a play and revert to snapshot if it all goes wrong. Have a play with LVM and LVM backups, MySQL installation, setup a LAMP server, the choices are pretty much endless.

Note also that rm * is usually aliased to rm -i (interactive) which will require confirmation of all files deletion one by one. rm -fR will delete everything in your current directories and subdirectories with no prompt. Doing from root (/) as root will blitz the whole OS. You can confirm the alias is in place by typing alia at the command prompt.

CentOS's minimal install is ideal if you're learning CentOS/RedHat (most likely, I'd have thought). Most other distros also have minimal installs too, so if you're using a different distro in the course then I'd have a look for the minimal of whatever it is for the reasons above.
My advice is not to overly worry about the distribution you choose (many will recommend Debian or Fedora) but which ever you select try and stick as much as possible to using the terminal - infact to try and force yourself into that I'd even go so far as to say remove X11 from the system (to remove the temptation).

One way I like to teach those new to Linux is to get them to list a whole range of typical tasks they perform on Windows (or whatever their normal OS is) and get them to do the same tasks using the Linux terminal.

A starter for ten would be to change the IP address assigned to the machines network facing NIC.

This approach generally provides some instantly useful stuff for system admins.
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