Linux video editing and screencast recording software

1 Nov 2007
Can anyone recommend some video editing and screencast recording software for Linux at all?

I want to be able to edit video from my video camera (an old MiniDV type thing) as well as editing screencast videos that I record using the software that you recommend.

Any help is very much appreciated :).
Depends to what level you want to be able to edit. Around the same as Windows Movie Maker? There's OpenShot and PiTiVi which do an excellent job, along with a few others. Beyond that... well there are options, but it becomes a lot less clear and a lot harder to learn.

I've tried a few screen capturing methods, but none i've been particularly happy with. A few more recent one's i've heard recommended (but not tried myself) and look promising are Eidete and Kazam, but there are plenty of others to try out if you perhaps want to get a bit more involved, namely GLC, ffmpeg, recordmydesktop etc. It's worth bearing in mind that they might not deal with audio in the same way... if at all. If you want it then you might want to record it in something like Audacity at the same time and synchronize them in editing.

Thanks for the info, I'll certainly play around with those options over the weekend and see what I can come up with.
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