Linux virgin...

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18 Oct 2002
I've never used Linux. There I said it.

We have a Raspberry Pi in the office, a rather nice looking old fireplace and never the twain should meet until I thought it would be nice to get a fire screensaver installed and to pop a monitor in the fireplace.

An easy task one would think but I have literally no idea how to go about this on the Pi without first going on a Linux 101 course.

I've got the Pi up and running with what looks like Debian Wheezy (?) and have an internet connection. What I don't have is knowledge on file types, installation procedures and configuration to get the thing going.

If anyone can help me get this going, I would be extremely grateful.
Edit: In fact, that guide is redundant, he's already done the install :)

File types are easy: they're pretty much the same as on Windows. txt for text files, html for html files, PDF for PDF's :) there are some differnces in how files are stored and things, but if you're running on a desktop you probably don't care.

I don't know how good it is, but you should be able to find XScrenSaver, which has an XFlame screensaver which is fire effect :)

To find it, find the Package Manager in the Debian menus - it might be called Aptitude or something, it's been a while since I used a Debian Desktop. This works like the App Store on your phone
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I would look here too:

It has excellent resources. Since you are using Debian i would also recommend the Ubuntu forums they are really helpful and Ubuntu is based off Debian so 99% of stuff there will be relevant.

The real key is "just try it" if you break it just reimage and start again.

I never use the desktop but one key concept to remember no matter what you are doing in linux is "In linux EVERYTHING is a FILE". That won't make much sense to you now but it is really important to remember it whenever you start looking deeper.

In response to your specific request google is your friend and this:
(Now i only skim read some of it but looks to be similar request to yours)

Another tip is if you are asking this question chances are someone else already has and has had an answer.. :)
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