I've never used Linux. There I said it.
We have a Raspberry Pi in the office, a rather nice looking old fireplace and never the twain should meet until I thought it would be nice to get a fire screensaver installed and to pop a monitor in the fireplace.
An easy task one would think but I have literally no idea how to go about this on the Pi without first going on a Linux 101 course.
I've got the Pi up and running with what looks like Debian Wheezy (?) and have an internet connection. What I don't have is knowledge on file types, installation procedures and configuration to get the thing going.
If anyone can help me get this going, I would be extremely grateful.
We have a Raspberry Pi in the office, a rather nice looking old fireplace and never the twain should meet until I thought it would be nice to get a fire screensaver installed and to pop a monitor in the fireplace.
An easy task one would think but I have literally no idea how to go about this on the Pi without first going on a Linux 101 course.
I've got the Pi up and running with what looks like Debian Wheezy (?) and have an internet connection. What I don't have is knowledge on file types, installation procedures and configuration to get the thing going.
If anyone can help me get this going, I would be extremely grateful.