Linux (web server) - suggested distro & hardware

10 Apr 2004
Hi All,

I have been working with Unix based servers for the last 15 years. These have all been comercial Unix versions. However I am now looking at implemented a web solution for one our customers which requires me to sort a Linux distro and also some kit. 1 for me to dev the stuff on and 2 to eventually host the web server & application.

Obviously kit wise I cant really suggest an old P3 machine etc as they expect nice shiny kit with warranty / h/w maintenance. So I've spent the last 3 or 4 days trawling through various web sites and basically see worrying posts about sata etc.. It looks like I'm better off getting some Intel box with SCSI as the h/w side.

A friend already runs loads of stuff under Debian and is suggesting I go this way. I have seen a lot of people suggesting Ubuntu (as its debian based).

I am not interested in 3d or anything like that as this is purely for web / admin / development.

I might repartition my laptop and stick ubuntu on to give it a go....

Any ideas are welcome.

It won't be hosted in a data centre it will be at the site. Rack or tower doesn't matter.

I think the main thing that worried me was the number of postings regarding Sata not working or requiring a seemingly lot of messing around to try to get working. I don't mind the hard work what I would mind is buying h/w that I couldn't get working and being the one with egg on my face.

The other reason about h/w etc. is that I'd like to build myself one for home to mess around get familiar with aswell. I would have liked something small like a shuttle or a matx based machine but seems a bit hit/miss with things working or not and when its my money I deffo don't want to mess up :)

It seems for soho use nvidia is certainly behind linux.

Thanks for the info - I'll research some more :)
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