Linux? What? Help!

12 Jun 2005
A lake!
Where can I download a simple Linux version that runs off the HDD rather than a Live CD? All the different places are confusing me, so a simple name/link (if possible) would be ace.

Also: Do you download it, burn to a CD and then install from that?

Yes, for the most part. It will make your life a lot easier becasue Windows does not want to live along side the Linux parition. Install Windows first then use the Ubuntu installer to write an ext3 or rieserFS partition for your Linux. Ubuntu will want to install a bootloader like GRUB that will let you easily choose which OS you want to boot.

Is this Linux installation solely for Folding@Home or is it for general use? If it is dedicated, run the Ubuntu server installation to minimize the amount of space necessary for the OS. Follow the finstall guide in the Folding@Home sticky either way.
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