Lion upgrade with a Boot Camp install?

22 Jun 2004
Bangkok, Thailand (formally London)
Howdy guys,

Quick one, I'm still on Snow Leopard at the moment, was leaving Lion a bit to get a few updates. I plan on upgrading over the weekend, but I'm sure I read some where that it can mess up your Boot Camp install.

I have a Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit Boot Camp install on my iMac as well that I can't afford to screw up at the moment (as I need it for certain stuff right now) as I have no time to reinstall that.

So has anyone with a Boot Camp install on SL upgraded to Lion, if so any problems? Or was it flawless?

Lion no longer supports XP - thats about the only issue I have heard with BootCamp Lion-wise.

I would have course WinClone the Win partition. But why bother updating if you have critical software on your Mac? Step back.
Lion no longer supports XP - thats about the only issue I have heard with BootCamp Lion-wise.

I would have course WinClone the Win partition. But why bother updating if you have critical software on your Mac? Step back.

I'm getting anxious for Lion to be on my Mac, and I will always have important software on my Mac so there would never be a right time then. But I suppose I should upgrade when I have more time to fix any issues I suppose.
Well for now let's forget I have important stuff, those who have done the above, any problems? Time or no time, I'd rather not have to reinstall!
if you must, you must, and I certainly did it day 1.

Just install Lion on an external disk - so you can retreat to your old setup in the event of issues.
I had a slight issue with w7 when I went to Lion (with my mbp track pad) but that was fixed as soon as I ran the apple updater for w7.

Now there's no problems at all
I upgraded mine with a Bootcamp partition no problem.

Don't see why it would affect the existing Win partition? You're only upgrading the Mac partition, not touching W7.
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