Lionel @ M.E.N

17 Oct 2002
Has anyone else been to see Lionel at the M.E.N over the last few days ? I went last night, and have to say it was awesome.

He was on stage for a good 2 hours and covered pretty much everything you'd expect him too. I also liked the way he kept the crowd involved, rather than just playing song after song.

Top concert, and what a legend. :cool:

Aye, went first night and he is a very good entertainer. The crowd barely sat down all night and were up for it from the first to the last note. Well worth it. Even his band got a good song going without Lionels presence. Great night out.

Mealoaf was mediocre in comparison. Tried ever so hard to spruce up his aged classics but really screwed them. Wife said he was struggling for breath a lot. Crowd took a while to get involved and didn't really stand up until towards the end. He talked a lot of rubbish and swore a few times for no reason not even for comedy effect. Some of his newer songs went down like a lead balloon. I noticed some people leave incredibly early. Oh Yeah programmes £15!!!! I really hope people didn't buy any.

Spoke to someone who went to the second show and they said it was great.
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