Liquid Cosmos 2

23 Sep 2011
This is my first ever attempt at water cooling, so I thought I would share it with you.

I will be adding some orange LED's at some point to give it some glow :)







My only leak is in the res. Where the clear plastic screws onto the base of the pump it finds it's way up the thread and some times leaks slowly hence the kitchen towel. It is screwed on tight. It's not leaked in a while but if it continues then I will have to use some tape
Looks good, quality case too, just got rid of my cosmos 2 case as i had no proper room for it. So much room to work inside the case though, and plenty for cable tidying at the rear too.
Nice red glow now, it's a real shame there isn't a windowed door available yet to show it off more.
Which dye have you used? I'm after an orange colour, but yours defineitely looks RED in the last few photies... :(

I presume you had the flash set on the camera - if you shine a lamp onto the rig, and disable the flash, you may get a truer representation of the colours.
I must admit, when the fluid arrived it looked red. in the loop however it looks orange. just a very dark orange compared to the mayhems. I used Aqua computer DP UltraII- orange
my idle temps. Seems quite high. I was getting about 25-30 with the mayhems :( Maybe the thermal paste needs re doing. The tubs are not warm at all though while gaming, Played battlefield 3 for an hour and it never got above 44 degrees

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looks good i had the cosmos s, i wanted one of these but too expensive.

you might want to try pulling the cold air into the radiator from the underneath at some point bet it will drop your temps a bit, personal preferance though.

regards the window anyone ever use that kustom pc place where you can send your side panel off to get a window put in for £35 odd ?
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