Liquid metal gone bad?

26 Jul 2009
I have a de-lidded 7770k with a Alpenfohn Olymp twin tower cooler. Its using liquid metal (Conductonaut) between the die and heat spreader, and Aeronaut between the cooler and heat spreader. For 2 years or more its been great, but now one core is getting very hot, even after I change the TIM between the cooler and heat spreader (look at those maximum temps!). My question is: has the liquid metal gone bad? Has it moved around? Is that normal? I thought liquid metal lasted a long time. I guess ill have to de-lid it again (which is a pain as I siliconed the heatspeader down at the corners.)

I've had it happen after a period of time, not sure if it soaks into the die/IHS somewhat but my old 9900k needed a re-application after about 1-2 years. The original stuff went pretty dry and as you was getting hot temps on a few cores. Re-applied and much better.

Because of this i haven't delidded anything since, too much faff.
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