I received my pre-binned i7 8700k today. How ever the IHS was lose in it's little box. And there was some liquid metal on the green pcb and some of the gold dots of CPU. I've cleaned it of with some isopropyl alcohol and lint free cloth. I was just wondering was that the right thing to do before I put the system together. Because I read online if liquid metal gets on the the gold dots it shorts the cpu out.
It was absolutely the right thing to do BEFORE building. Generally when delidding most people tend to cover the contacts with liquid electrical tape, nail varnish etc (I used kapton tape) just incase liquid metal spills or spreads where it shouldn't.
I'm surprised the IHS was not secured though, it's not essential as some people just use the socket clamp to secure the IHS as it won't move anywhere once in the socket and with the heatsink on top, but I'd have assumed a retailer would have used silicone to "re-lid".
Did you re-attach the IHS in the end or just left it as it is?
There have been a few threads about similar issues, if it was me personally I wouldn't have cleaned it off, I'd have contacted the retailer and arranged a return. The whole point of buying from OCUK is the warranty and convenience. If you have to clean the pcb and attach the IHS it defeats the point. You've done pretty much everything apart from the de-lid and application of liquid metal.
I appreciate the need for services like this and pc building, due to warranty and after sales support but unfortunately I don't think anyone would do things with the care that I would, as I'm bordering on OCD lol so I would never trust any retailers for things like that. A loose IHS and liquid metal all over just shows a lack of care.
@Gibbo has resolved any issues like this to his credit so get in touch with him or contact customer services if you're not satisfied.
Problems do happen and things do slip through, but my measure of customer service is how you're treated when something goes wrong. Retailers are great when they take your money (some are bad at that part) but it's when things go wrong that you see what they're really like. OCUk seem to do ok at rectifying things though, I've personally not had any issues with any orders I've placed with them though.