List your biking annoyances!

Although I'm not a biker, it does annoy when drivers move to the crown of the road when bikes are filtering to block them. Personally I move over to the left for bikes.
Tail gaters.
Diesel on the road. How can people afford to lose that much fuel. We can use the bus lanes here but a few times I've had to stay on the normal road for fear of death.
Poorly located drain covers. The ones I know about I ride by regularly I know what line to take to avoid but others. Grrrr.
Not being able to turn left on a red light if it's safe to do so. It works in the USA, though it's turn right obviously, so why not here? I get stuck at one set of lights most days and it's perfectly safe for me to go left if clear.
Poorly repaired roads. Not flat and some slippery bits put in for good measure.

That'll do for now.
Although I'm not a biker, it does annoy when drivers move to the crown of the road when bikes are filtering to block them. Personally I move over to the left for bikes.

I don't get that either, it's not like we'll hold them up. Fortunately its only happened to me once.

Not being able to turn left on a red light if it's safe to do so.

I have a habit of failing to stop in that situation.
People who block me filtering.

people sitting up me rear.

Worst of all people at petrol stations who beep me and shout at me telling me to hurry up when putting my gloves back on after filling up. Jeez I don't even have to take my lid off at the station I use but noooo twice now I have been beeped at and the second time the fat ugly **** had the cheek to call me a c nut whilst he had a child who was clearly under ten in the front seat!:mad:

Hmmm I have an idea for my local Shell.... block one of the pumps so only bikers can use it during biker season. Roll up, fill up, move bike forwards so next biker can fill, pay, gear up and go!
Everybody looking at the negatives in life :P

I'm going to break the rules and say something "biking enjoyable":

Riding in the snow, when it first starts to snow, and it's nice and calm, silent and floaty-white-bits. Shove that upside-down frown up the annoyances list :P
Drivers who drive way too close and get closer the worse the weather gets,
Drivers who move out to the center to stop you filtering,
Drivers who boot it when you're overtaking, they fail but they try and i'm sure they wish to hold you out into oncomming traffic.. What was a safe maneuver becomes potentialy deadly because of some moron who thinks being overtaken will make his willy shrink.

Back in the 80's and early 90's it wasn't half as bad because there where many more folks who started off on the roads riding 50's and 125's. There was a greater understanding of motorcyclists.
Motorcyclists who "appear" at the side of you when you enter a corner!
Tourists - car drivers (cumbria)
Sheep (cumbria)
Deer (cumbria)
All of above had my butt hole singing at some point!
The list is endless tbh.

I ride with my baffles out which must upset a few folk but if you can't see me you can hear me!
For me it's drivers on their mobiles. I find their lack of any discernible level of concentration sickening. If I'm close enough to them I'll give them a jerk-off sign and a nice clear, "GET OF THE PHONE, **** HOLE!!", regardless of them being a man or a woman. Quite why this seems to be a minor infringement that gets brushed under the carpet beggers belief for me.
Mainly people who stay far to close behind me, I find it off putting and in effect makes me a worse rider.

Once, I slid off my bike and had people beep their horns at me yelling at me to move. Good times. FYI, Including picking my bike up and moving to the side of the road, I only took up the best part of 45 seconds.
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