Listen to Live Radio via PDA & WiFi?

26 Feb 2004
China (Qinhuangdao)

I'd really like to listen to the radio via my wifi network, on my PDA. But I can't seem to do it. I've downloaded RealPlayer on my PC and it works fine, but the Pocket PC version of Real Player doesn't seem to be able to do this.

I really wanted to listen to the football commentary on the radio from Uk whilst watching the football on TV (I'm in China).

There is an option to "open a location" but this location must start with "rtsp://". I'd like to listen to both radio one and the football, but not sure what this rtsp address is.
AlfCheesey said:
Wow - Thanks for that - Fantastic list! I should have kept on searching!

I use media player classic so I've set the .ram files to load up in notepad rather than that crap called realplayer.

Also have links to the media player streams as well - but they're a bit more complicated....
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