Listening to Zen Vision:m in the car??

18 Oct 2002
Frimley, Surrey or 38,000ft
Hey guys,
recently got a zen vision:m, awesome piece of kit. Whats the best way to get this into my car? I don't have a aux in so I guess the only was is to use a FM transmitter, can anyone recommend one? also what about power? anyone recommend a good car adapter for it? Thanks in advance!!
IIRC car power adapters can be bought for about £15 for the cigerette lighter, and for FM transmitters, they are illegal in this country unless you are licenced to use one, so cant really discuss :)
Other options are an old fashioned tape adapter (providing you have a tape drive; they are not the greatest sound anyhow) or having a socket put in (this can be done), or changing the head unit for one that has the suitable input.

I've heard about these FM adapters being illegal. I know certain power restrictions exist, but it would certainly be possible to make one under the limit that works effectively, it's hardly long range.
I don't have a tape drive, the FM transmitters are going to become legal in December 06 so only a month or so. Thanks for the info.
Blinkz said:
I don't have a tape drive, the FM transmitters are going to become legal in December 06 so only a month or so. Thanks for the info.

Are they? I hope so, gettinga car soon and will need one
yup, check the ofcomm website, they have just finished a public consulation on the issue and will be amending the relevant legislation in december.
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