little advice please

16 Nov 2005
Hi there,
Ive managed to overclock my cpu with no errors 100%. My processor runs at 1.93GHz at stock and ive managed to overclock it to 2155 MHz (11.5 x 187) Vcore at 1.65. Im not to sure what my ram timings are set to.

Anyways more to the point, when i go 2mhz to make it 189 it becomes unstable but the temps remain nice and cool.

Any advice on what i could change in the bios to make matters better?

Abit K7DA
2X512 PC2700
480w Hiper Type-R PSU
AMD barton xp 2600+

Thanks in advance.
The mobo has a VIA KT400A chipset which does not have AGP/PCI locks; so you are overclocking these buses when you up the FSB. The instablity is probably here; in extreme cases too much fsb can result in the gfx card and PCI bus being fried!
your only hope is to drop the multiplier to 11 and push for 200fsb, but that would require doing a mod on the chip. other than that you wont get this system to be stable at much of an overclock due to the pci/agp requiring a denominator of 33 to function perfectly
At fsb 200 the Ratio (FSB:AGP:PCI) must be 6:2:1 - is this an option in the BIOS? if not then it looks like you've gone as far as you can with this mobo.

For better OCs you will need a NF2 400 ultra chipset mobo like the Abit NF7 v2.
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