Little annoyances.

21 Apr 2004
Is it just me or do other people get frustrated by the little pointless things people seem to ask on a daily basis?


Has the bus come yet?
Obviously not, otherwise I wouldn't be standing here would I? I'd be on the bus.

Did anyone call whilst I was out?
Nobody's called, sorry.
Not even the bank?
Did Angela call?
What do you think the word 'nobody' means?

You got stuck on the motorway? Did you get off?
*standing infront of the person* No, I'm still there

Did you watch that programme on television last night?
I used to get annoyed by spelling/grammar mistakes, but I've accepted how common they are now.

A few that used to irritate/amuse me:

On Spooks subtitles of an Arab man giving water to someone. "Your welcome"
and then not long after, "there so hungry they would probably eat a bag of my home made crisp's" :eek:

"Finchfield Sweats" - Was a sweet shop

"Office's supplies" - Who's Office?
Oh that's another one. Negligible.

Why oh why do people say it like 'nedge-liga-bul'

It's 'Neg-lidge-abul"

The same with rummage. I've heard people say rummange. WTF?
[TW]Fox said:
Whats wrong with that? Most bus stops are frequented by more than one service. Just becuase somebody is stood at the bus stop does not mean your particular bus has not arrived. They could be waiting for a different service. Or they could be waiting for the same service but have arrived seconds after it left - in which case, they could quite legitimatley answer 'Yes, the bus has been'.

Ok, pedantically maybe, but wouldn't the question be equally as pointless unless they state the bus they're talking about?

I didn't really analyse it that much, you know, it's just a joke thing. :p
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