Little niggle with Creative SB X-Fi Titanium Pro...

6 Apr 2008
Peterborough, England
Hello folks. I've recently purchased and installed a lovely new Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty Pro sound card. It all works fine, and after messing around with the settings I have optical output working fine for surround sound in all the games (Well, just Halo 1 and BF2 really...) I've tested so far.

My only gripe with it is that when I start playing an MP3 file the very first miliseconds of it are cut off in Windows Media Player. This happens if I open the file while WMP isn't open, when it is, and even when it's open and already playing the file. If the file is already open in WMP and I hit stop and then play again it works without losing the opening miliseconds, but otherwise I lose the very beginning. Also this happens with the Vista start up sound too - not a big deal but slightly annoying nonetheless. Anyone had anything similar?
In the Creative volume panel (Game mode), I clicked Settings and then on the Encoder tab checked the "Enable Dolby Digital Live" box. Then added my games to ALchemy.
Just as a note for anyone who has a similar problem, I managed to get my surround sound working for those games. You have allow applications to take exclusive control of the sound card (Control Panel > Sound > SPDIF interface > Advanced tab). The only problem I have now is that WMP errors me when I try to play music, but I'm off ask at Creative's forums about that one.
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